
Leaders in scallop production in Peru

Eating healthy and delicious scallops has never been easier
The chef Khabir Tello shows how to cook scallops through these delicious dishes:
If you need a quick appetizer, you should try making this recipe because is very easy! You only have to season the scallops with salt and olive oil and place them meat-down in a frying pan. For more details, click on the video.
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This recipe is very easy and quick. This dish is perfect for a dinner with family or friends. They will love it! The scallops with the yellow-chili sauce create a perfect combination over the pasta.
With this delicious recipe, you will have a restaurant quality on your table! Besides, the ingredients are very simple such as butter, garlic, parsley, orange reduction and salt.
Cau cau is very popular in Peru. It is made with beef tripe but, in this recipe, we will use scallops as well as yellow pepper, garlic, potatoes, onions, turmeric, mint and salt to create a new version of this traditional dish. You will love this stew!
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GRILLED SCALLOPS: Quick and easy
scallops rissotto
We peel one of the onions and cut it into small cubes. Heat a drizzle of oil in a large saucepan and add the onion. Sauté until we see that it is very soft, about 15 minutes over medium low heat. While the onion is cooking, we peel the tomatoes and crush them. When the onion is ready, add the tomato and cook for about 15 minutes over medium low heat. Let’s salt.
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